It’s ten in the morning. Outside, the sun is shining over the navy-blue skies and the wind humming outside the windows. It’s twenty-three days since we started this year.

We are entering our third year into this pandemic. And I’m still here wondering If I can go home this year.

The last two years were hard. Half of the people you know back home were gone, and the other half had become strangers.

It feels strange to find yourself in between two places. You look through these familiar faces, but as you gaze into their eyes, you see the awkwardness, the confused look of trying to find the person they had known.

Part of me wants to say that it is still me – just a better version of me. I need to be away from everyone that I know. From the home that I once knew to come to where I can finally know who I am. And in the process of knowing who I am, my heart needs to be broken into little million pieces to remove all the pride, selfishness, and blind ambition and allow God to do His work of rebuilding it. So God can show you how to love and be loved.

I’m longing to come back home and to be with people and stand with them as they experience their joy, pain, and suffering, to be with them as they celebrate life. To show them that Jesus Christ is who he says he is, and because of that, there is hope. That love can still win, and His grace is never-ending.

“Return to your home and your family and tell them all the wonderful things God has done for you.”
Luke 8:39 TPT

And so, as the season changes and the world continue to spin, I hold on to this word. Hoping and pray that soon I can return home and tell everyone about the goodness of God.

I turned Forty-one this month. I can only thank God for all the second chances He had given me. For the people who have spoken the truth into my life, I can never thank you enough. For the people I had hurt, Sorry for hurting you. I’m still learning how to love people unconditionally and without an agenda. I am hopeful that one day soon, we can finally face each other again with a heart full of joy and at peace with each other.

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